Chers finalistes, préparez-vous pour le grand jour avec nos contenus !

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Commencer l'apprentissage
Indefinite Article from use and use
Matériel didactique : Craie de couleur
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to justify the use of the indefinite article


Recalling the previous lesson, the child from the definite

2. + children … in +

A)  taken in general sense

B) In front of a month name


Justify the user or omission of the definite article

  1. Child from village where I was born in house
  2. children are suffering from flu in July




  •  Why do you pronounce a ruler and an eraser?


I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a vowel sound.

I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a vowel sound.

I pronounce an eraser because the noun begins with a consonant sound.


Pupils work in pair pupils follow the model given by the teacher

Build sentences with indefinite article then justify its use.

  • Is your brother an expert in accountant?
  • Yes, he is what an important mam he is
  • How you a watch?
  • Sorry I haven’t