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Commencer l'apprentissage
Simple past tense


Put the verb in () into present tense

1. Their mother (to go) to the market by car

2. The car (not to reach) Goma on time

3. It (to Rain) all day long

4. Pupils (To learn) much 


Some verbs have the same form in simple past tense and past participle

Same verbs have a vowel change in simple past

Some verbs have a different form

Negative sentences S+Did not + v (inf)

T. What did you eat yesterday?

T. What did the boy say?

T. What did the man put on the table?

T. What did the boy drink?

T. What did the man drive?

T. What did their father bring?

T. What did the boy buy?

T. What did the woman leave on the bed?

I went to school in the morning

T. turn the sentence in negative form

Parents arrived at school

T. Turn the sentence in negative form

Teachers missed the train

T. turn the sentence in interrogative form


Interrogation sentences Did +S + V

Pupils build sentences in infinitive and from the verbs in affirmation negative and interrogation


1. Their mother goes to the market by car

2. The car does not reach  Goma on time

3. It does it rain all day long

4. Pupils learn much 

P. I eat cassava and chicken yesterday

P. The boy said he was sick

P. The boy put his money on the table

P. The boy drank milk

P. The man drove a nice car

P. He brought some money

P. The boy bought many things

P. The woman left the phone on the bed

P. I did not go to school in the morning

P. Parent did not arrive at school

P. Did teachers miss the train

She (to meet) the president

We (to join) other members late

They (to become) prudent