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Asking Questions
Matériel didactique : Craie de couleur


Turn the verbs in the correct conditional form

  1. If the teacher gives a quiz I (to satisfy)
  2. We would cry this new method if we (to wait) for Instructions


…If the teacher gives a quiz I would satisfy

… We would cry this new method If we waited for instruction


Close your copybook stand up

T. what does the teacher express?

T. how can be sure that pupils are in the school yard?

T. which question will he ask?


P. the teacher expresses an order a command

Pupils are in the school yard

P. he will ask a question

P. he will ask the question are pupils in the school yard?

The subject matter announcement

Today we will study Asking Questions   

The subject matter announcement

Today we will study Asking Questions   


Teacher are in the staff room

T. ask a yes/ No question from this sentence

All question was unhappy

The child has a caught

T. ask yes/no question from then sentence

T. ask a yes/no question

You can use your dictionaries

T. Ask a yes/no question

Father knocks at the door

T. Ask a yes/no question

The girl forgot her book here

T. Ask a yes/no question


P. are teacher in the staff room?

P. Has the child a caught?

P. had they many things to do?

P. Can you we use our dictionaries?

P. does father knock at the door?

P. did the girl forget her book...?

Ask yes/no question from those sentence

  1. Mother always tries plantain
  2. Your friend is a doctor
  3. We meet her at the church of mine
  4. You had my home address
  5. I am far from him

TO BE: Am/Are/ is + S …?

Where/Was + S + …?

To Have: Have/has + S + O…?

Had + S + O?

Other verbs: Do does + S + O…?

Did + S + V (inf)…?

Pupils Work in pain to ask yes/no question from present sentences