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Commencer l'apprentissage
Simple Past Tense : Regular Verbs
Matériel didactique : Craie de couleur
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to build sentence with simple past


Indicate the diphthong in the word

  1. Blame
  2. Bound
  3. Share
  4. Tail
  5. Soil


Indicate the diphthong in the word

  1. Blame
  2. Bound
  3. Share
  4. Tail
  5. Soil


The Recalling the preceding lesson

  1. [ei]
  2. [au]
  3. [ze]
  4. [ei]
  5. [ci]


T. What day is it today?

T. in which class are you now?

T. will you be in the same class next year?

T. What day was it yesterday?


P. Today is Thursday

P. I am in 6th form

P. No, I will not be in the same class

P.  Yesterday It was Wednesday

Announcing the subject matter

What will we study today ?

Announcing the subject matter

Today, we will study Simple Past Tense : Regular Verbs.


T. How do you come to school?

T. Where did the car stop?

T. Were you here at eight?

T. What are too stopped change?

Mother cooked meat and rice

T. Turn the sentence in negative form

Your friend cleaned the board

T. turn the sentence in negative form

We lived in Matete in 1990

T. Turn the sentence in interrogative form


T: How do you come to school ?

P. I come to school by car;

T: Wfere dis the car stop ?

P. The car stopped near my school;

T: Were you here at eight ?

P. No, I was not; I changed the place;

T: What are too stopped change ?

P. They are regular verbs

T: Turn this sentences in negative form : " Mother cooked meat and rice, Your friend cleaned the board ";

P. Mother did not cook meat and rice

P. Your friend did not clean the board

T: Turn this sentence in Interrogative form: we lived in Matete in 1990.

P. Did we live in Matete in 1990?

To stop – stopped

To change – changed

Regular Verbs: Infinitive (to) + Ad in simple past

Negative sentence S+ Did+ not + V (inf)

Interrogative sentence Did+ S+ V9(inf-to) …?


Pupils work in groups

  • They build sentence in simple past tense
  • Negative form
  • Interrogative form


Build sentences (2) using these verbs: to open and close then turn them in negative and interrogative forms

I closed the copybook

I did not close the copybook

Did I close the copybook?