Chers finalistes, préparez-vous pour le grand jour avec nos contenus !

Des items de toutes les options taillés sur mesure pour que vous prépariez mieux vos épreuves

Commencer l'apprentissage
Adding of : a, an, a cup, a kilo, some

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

You can use words more than once.

a, an, a cup, a kilo, some.

 Eg : I'd like to listen to some music.

1. My cousins live i ...... apartment.

2. Please put ...... butter on my sandwiches.

3. Can you buy me ...... of cheese?

4. Bill has got ...... old watch.

5. I'd like ...... water.

6. Mrs Jackson is ...... science teacher.

7. Would you like ...... of tea?

8. The police officer wants ...... information about the accident.

9. That's ...... long email.

10. They need ......  new equipment for the gym.