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Kinds of conjunctions

Types of Conjunctions

Let’s be honest. Conjunctions aren’t very exciting. They’re not as descriptive as nouns, as colorful as adjectives or as dynamic as verbs. However, these small but mighty parts of speech are a critical part of your writer’s tool kit. Different types of conjunctions help you to smooth out choppy writing, bring together ideas, and build flowing complex sentences.

When you understand how these grammatical elements fit together, you can structure your writing better and become a stronger content writer. Let’s run through some conjunction examples, the four types of conjunctions, and what to watch for when you’re putting these words to work.

What’s a Conjunction?

A conjunction is a part of speech that links words, phrases and clauses. Think of them as bridges that connect ideas. Conjunctions fall into one of four categories based on how they’re used.

What Are Some Examples of Conjunctions in Sentences?

Coordinating conjunction example:

  • He can’t get a ride, so he has to stay home.

Correlative conjunction example:

  • I don’t know whether he’s getting a ride or staying home.

Subordinating conjunction example:

  • Because he can’t get a ride, he has to stay home.

Conjunctive adverb:

  • He can’t get a ride; therefore, he has to stay home.

What are Some Common Conjunctions?

Below are lists of common conjunctions you can use in your writing, and there are plenty to pick from. These lists aren’t exhaustive, except for the coordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions list

Some people use the mnemonic “fanboys” to remember the seven coordinating conjunctions.

  • for
  • and
  • nor
  • but
  • or
  • yet
  • so

Correlative conjunctions list

  • either/or
  • neither/nor
  • not only/but also
  • as/as
  • both/and
  • whether/or

Subordinating conjunctions list

  • after
  • although
  • as soon as
  • because
  • before
  • by the time
  • in case
  • now that
  • since
  • unless
  • when
  • whether or not
  • while

Conjunctive adverbs list

  • after all
  • besides
  • consequently
  • finally
  • however
  • nevertheless
  • then
  • therefore

What are the Types of Conjunctions?

There are four categories of conjunctions:

  • Coordinating conjunctions (or, and, but)
  • Correlative conjunctions (and/or, not only/but also)
  • Subordinating conjunctions (since, because, when)
  • Conjunctive adverbs (however, therefore)