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Possessive adjectives

Possessive Adjectives Usage

Possessive adjectives are used when the reference to which person or thing is understood. For example:

  • Jack lives on this street. His house is over there.

The possessive adjective 'his' refers to Jack because of the context. Remember that possessive adjectives come in front of the noun they modify. Here is a list of possessive adjectives:

  • I - my car
  • You - your dog
  • He - his boat
  • She - her family
  • It - its fabric (NOT it's!)
  • We - our class
  • You - your jobs
  • They - their toys


  • I took my daughter to the movies.
  • Where is your house?
  • I picked up his book yesterday.
  • That's her car over there.
  • Its color is red!
  • Our company is doing very well.
  • Your bicycles are located in the basement.
  • Their toys are in the closet.

Possessive Adjective Checklist

  • Possessive adjectives are used in place of proper names
  • Place adjectives directly before the noun they modify
  • Possessive adjectives are very similar in usage to possessive pronouns
  • Possessive adjectives are used when the context is clear who is in possession of an object
  • Note the similarity in form between possessive adjectives and pronouns