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Practice : Nancy’s Schedule


Nancy’s Schedule

My daily schedule as a dental hygienist is a little complicated. That ‘s because it’s different everyday. Monday, i do go into work until late in the afternoon. So i have time to spend, most of the day, doing washisng clothes, shopping and my banking. I leave for work around 4 o’ clook in the afternoon. I work from 5 to 2pm. Tuesday, i wake up at 6.30am and leave for work at 7.30. My first patient is scheduled for 8.15. Each patient is allowed 45minutes. Lunch break is twelve-thirty to one-thirty ; I finish up at 5pm and get home at around 6pm. Wednesday starts an hour earlier, i wake up at 5.30am, leave for work at 6.30 and see my first patient at 7am, i aslo finish early on Wednesday, at 12 noon. Thuesday is the same schedule as Tuesday…Getting up at 6.30am, leaving for work at 8.15. I get home about 6pm in the evening. Friday is another early start. I wake up at 5.30am, leave the house at 6.30 and finish up my last patient at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. I like to get finished early on Friday that is a typical work sweet for me.