Chers finalistes, préparez-vous pour le grand jour avec nos contenus !

Des items de toutes les options taillés sur mesure pour que vous prépariez mieux vos épreuves

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Way to speaker fast (SUITE)

Way to speaker fast (SUITE)

7. Ain't / didn'thasn'tI Am notisn't

Eg: I ain't your father, or your friend.

      She ain't a good voice.

* Not: Ain't is used with the third auxiliaries but in negative.

8. Trynna / trying to

Eg: I was trynna do something Great in my life.

      She's trynna speak in English.

Before trynna we must begin with the verb to be.

9. Dunno ? / do you know ? I don't know

Eg: would mind telling me your name cose I dunno.

10. Lemme let me

Eg: lemme speak in Kinande

11. Gimme give me

Eg: can you gimme that phone?