Chers finalistes, préparez-vous pour le grand jour avec nos contenus !

Des items de toutes les options taillés sur mesure pour que vous prépariez mieux vos épreuves

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Practice 2


A : Hi there. I’m Zack i saw you in the 8.00 class

B : Oh, you mean Math 204 ?

A : Yeah, you probably didn’t see me. I was late, so i was sitting by the door.

B : Well, i’m Sylvia. I’m sorry, did you say your name was « Jack » ?

A : Actually, it’s Zack with a « Z ».

B : Sorry, Zack. I didn ‘t get a lot of sleep last night.

A : Don’t worry about it. People are always calling me Jack.

B : Zack, why are you taking that 8.00 Math class ?

A : That’s the only time i can take 204. If i could take it later. I would.

B : Yeah, i understand. My schedule’s the same way.

A : But next semester, i think I’ll be able to take Math 205 in the atfernoon.

B : I’d like to do that. I’m just not a morning person, specially when it comes to Math.