Chers finalistes, préparez-vous pour le grand jour avec nos contenus !

Des items de toutes les options taillés sur mesure pour que vous prépariez mieux vos épreuves

Commencer l'apprentissage
Simple Present Tense
Matériel didactique : Craie de couleur
Objectif opérationnel : At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to use this tense in their daily life


Insert “the” if necessary

  1. … Children are … school now
  2. We were … first school to organize this section in… DRC
  3. … Boy will be … best Runner at the competition
  1. …The Children are … school now
  2. We were The… first school to organize this section in… DRC
  3. …The Boy will be …The  best Runner at the competition


I brush my teeth every morning and evening

T. What does my sentence express?

T. What do the two sentence express?

T. What’s the ending of the verbs cries in infinitive

T. What happen when “Y” is preceded by a consonant?

T. What happen if “y” is preceded by a vowel?




P. It expresses a repeated action dogs bark the nouns shines at night

P. they express general truth 1 our young sister cries so much the man washes his hands happily

P. It’s “Y”

P. We change “Y” by “I” then is add “es”

P. We add “s” only

He buys tomato

She plays football

Negative: S+ Do / does + not+ v (infinitive)

Interrogative:  Do/does + S+V+ infinitive+ to …?



Build sentence with so dress to bless to go or simple present tense affirmative and negative

A repeated action

General truth

Verbs ending with “o-sh-ch-x-ss” take is (she, he, it)

To dry-he (she / it dries)

To Try-he/she/it Tries

To say-he/she/it says

To buy – he /she / it buys