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Practice : A young woman's diet

A young woman’s diet

For breakfast in the morning, sometimes i have a glass of orange juice with cereal and milk, and piece of fruit, like a peach or some strawberries, or a banana and a piece of toast if i get hungry, with butter and jam on it. sometimes, i have eggs, scrambled with an omelet with cheese and mushrroms on it. and sometimes i just have a bagel with cream cheese and jam that’s my basic breakfast

My typical lunch is a sandwich either turkey or ham with cheese and lettuce and tomaoes and sometimes i’ve mayonnaise on the bread and sometimes i have peanut, butter and jelly sandwich followed by a piece of fruit again, like plums are really good and nectorines are yummy too. and i love grapes and then i have cookie or a granola bar or something like that for a dessert. Diner times, that’s where i have my big meal and i have steak or humbergers, anything that has meat in it. i love chicken then usually for a side i have potatoes with a vegetable like broccoli i love. and then, following all that up with dessert at the end and ice cream is my favorite food. So that’s a nice dessert.