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Commencer l'apprentissage

Rewrite negative sentences as affirmative, and affirmative sentences as negative :

E.g. * They haven't got many books.

          They've got a lot of books.

        * There's a lot of work to do.

           There isn't much work to do.

1. There are lots of mountains in this area.

    _____________ mountains in this area.

2. We haven't got much time.


3. This car uses a lot of petrol.


4. Vicky has got lots offriends. friends.

5. There weren't many difficult questions.

  _________________difficult questions.

6. She watches a lot of television.


7. A lot of children enjoy cooking.

  _______children enjoy cooking.

8. There isn't much sugar in this coffee.

  _______________sugar in this coffee.

9. There's a lot of snow here at the moment.

  _____________snow here at the moment.