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SUBJECT : the present perfect tense of verbs
Domaine Sous domaine
Section Option
Discipline Classe
Matériel didactique Auteur SCHOOLAP.COM
Objectif opérationnel



OJECTIF : At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to use the present perfect in their sentences.

REFERENCE : English for africa 5e Pge 14.





I Will ask pupils to make sentences using since and for.

T. Class use since or for in a sentence.

P1. You will work here for 10 days.

P2. Our sister is there since she got a baby.




















I Introduce the new lesson to pupils and make it respeated  and write it on the black board.

They read and write in their school diareis.

I utter a sentence, pupils repeat after me

I write on the BB, they read individually in chorus.









Pupils are asked to beild their awn sentences using the present perfect tense of the verbs.

T. To day we have a grammar lesson on the use of present perfect tense of verbs. Write it in your school diaries.

1. Pupils have gone to  school.

2. She hasn’t given birth.

3. My friend has comeback from kinshasa.

4. Have they spoken kikongo this morning ?

5. Our young brother hasn’t done his home work.

6. Have pupils paid their school fees.


S+ have/ has+ past partiple +object


T.  Make sentences using thepresent perfect tense.

P1 . Our teacher has gone to kinshasa for a week.

P2. Has candide eaten mangoes this morning ?

P3. No, she hasn’t eaten mangoes this morning. 



I Will ask pupils to read model sentence written on the BB.

T. Chass read model sentence on the BB. (see presentation)


An exercise will be put on the BB, pupils will do it.


T. Put the verb in these  sentences in the present perfect tense

1. Bomasi makes noise dwing my lesson.

2. Hyena ait  his beautifull ears.

3. Pupils take notes in the classroom.

4. I’am here for a month.